Network Security Assessments
Vulnerability Assessments
Our network vulnerability assessment security services entails reviewing an organization’s network infrastructure to systematically find and evaluate cybersecurity vulnerabilities and network security loopholes.
The team at PKF Algosmic has the expertise to determine whether a system is vulnerable to any flaws. The team employs a thorough methodology that includes identifying and analysing any vulnerabilities, classifying their seriousness in accordance with the risk to your business, and recommending the best solutions.
PKF Algosmic use the perfect blend of both commercial and custom tools developed by our team for performing vulnerability scanning. The evaluation is carried out manually and by using automated vulnerability analysis software.
The goal of performing a vulnerability assessment is to determine the company's security posture and make any improvements to the infrastructure before bad attackers take advantage of it.
Penetration Test
Our network penetration testing security service identifies security vulnerabilities in networks, systems, hosts, and devices by mimicking the bad actor and purposefully using malicious techniques to test the network’s security responses.
PKF Algosmic provides the following different types of penetration test:
Black Box Penetration Testing - ​​​​This penetration test performed by the PKF Algosmic team includes performing an assessment, in similar conditions to a real attack. This means that the organization provides little or no information to the penetration tester before testing begins.
Gray Box Penetration Testing - This penetration test starts with some information about the organization. This may include providing information about the behavior of tested systems, limited access to user accounts on the platform, or providing access to some systems that are not publicly accessible. This allows for more detailed testing with more context. In gray box security audits, the attack surface is a defined range. Tests can be performed on elements like highest risk areas, sensitive systems, internally accessible systems, etc). Therefore it can also simulate attacks by insiders—customers, partners, visitors, or employees. One of the advantages of this method is that you can set an exact test scope based on your priorities. For example, you can specifically test a new release to production, or specific features that are critical for your customers.
White Box Penetration Testing - Unlike black box testing, in this type of security testing means sharing as much information as possible with penetration testers beforehand. The term “white box” is used because the tester has complete visibility into how the organization’s systems work.
Vulnerability Management Service
Our Vulnerability management service includes a continual process of scanning your infrastructure (external and internal) with the goal of determining a baseline of the infrastructure's security posture and making continuous improvements to the infrastructure.
The team at PKF Algosmic first defines the baseline of the client's infrastructure by using several automated and manual methods. The PKF Algosmic team then proceeds to continuously identify and analyse security issues in the infrastructure and provide the right recommendations. This continuous process of identifying and remediating issues helps reduce the attack surface by protecting the business from malicious attacks.
Our Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing Methodology
PKF Algosmic Network Security Assessment services includes
While the end goal of a vulnerability assessment is always the same, there are different kinds of security assessments that are performed to help IT professionals locate problem in different areas. These security Assessment services include:
External Testing : An external penetration test targets company assets that are visible to external parties, such as websites, web applications, domain name servers (DNS), and emails. The goal of these tests is to see if hackers can gain access to and extract data from external systems. This type of penetration testing measures a system’s vulnerability to outside attackers.
Internal Testing: An internal penetration test simulates an attack by a malicious insider—someone with access to systems behind a company’s firewall. This pen testing method can also be used to screen employees on their vulnerability to external social engineering or phishing attacks in which their credentials can be stolen with an eye toward mitigation of potential risks.​